Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the nearest store to my house?
For the closest store to you please click on Locations.
What are the store hours?
Our store hours are unique to each location; please click on Locations, choose a store, and plan a visit!
What type of items do the stores carry?
Ohio Thrift carries new and gently used clothing, shoes and accessories for the entire family. We also carry household items such as bedding, drapes, towels, furniture, jewelry, electronics, small kitchen appliances, dinnerware, crafts, toys, sporting goods, beauty items, books, music, knick knacks, etc...
Where does Ohio Thrift get its merchandise?
Our company purchases merchandise from numerous sources such as non-profit organizations, liquidators, importers and local manufacturers.
What is Ohio Thrift's return policy?
Due to the unique nature of our business, all sales are final and merchandise is sold as-is.
Can I obtain or inquire about availability of a particular item through e-mail or by phone?
Due to the vast size of our stores and the tens of thousands of unique and one-of-a-kind items each store carries, we are unable to maintain a detailed inventory record to answer a specific request or questions by phone or e-mail.
How often does Ohio Thrift receive new inventory?
Each Ohio Thrift store processes thousands and thousands of new and gently used items on a daily basis. Due to this very unique processing procedure, our inventory is constantly changing.
Are you hiring?
For employment inquiries, please click on employment.